Mon 27 Jan
💋❤️Sexy Latina🔛💯 🎊🎉 🎉🎊👌🏻out calls∈ calls 🌟SATISFYING YOUR EVERY NEED BOO❤️ 👩❤️👩 🔷 - 25
(Austin, Central,North, Downtown)
★SiMPLy AMAZiNG* ★)) ( ★HiGHLy ADdiCTiVe ★)(PeTiTe) ( ★BRuNeTtE★ ) AVAILABLE NOW - 27
(Austin, central north austin)
Sexy Saturday's .. 60/80/150$ petite, habla...CALL NOW - 32
(Austin, South, South austin I35)
S T O P! ✔CHECK THIS OUT! BIG GIRLS Do It Harder & Better! $80 S P E C I A L TODAY ♡
(N. Austin Incall off 183)
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ SEXY ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ Blond ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ leaving tomorrow ▀▀▀ ▀▀80$ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ - - 19
(Austin, 71 35s south austin south park)
Sassy Red/brunette petite and Available now 512-808-6261 this is the ad ur looking 4 SpEcIaL - 38
(Austin, north austin downtown)
Satisfy Ur Late Night/Early A.M Cravings:) SeXy, PeTITE & Sensual MILF * $100 Special * South - 31
Saturday Incall/outcall Appts Fun Sexy Brunette Companion - 27
(Austin, 183/McNeil/Anderson mill 78729)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E*-T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D*-D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I*-V - 19
:*★¨*: S P E C I A L 80 W e e k e n d T r e a t :*★¨*: I n d e p e n d e n t - 22
(¯`'·.¸ ♔ ¸.·'´¯) S E X I E S T _ I N _ T H E _ C I T Y ! (¯`'·.¸ ♔ ¸.·'´¯) $80 SPeCiaL - 19
(Austin, i-35 and hwy 290)
☆☆💅💆Sensually Motivated Leslie💕"Blondes Do Have More Fun!"👅💋☆☆ - 38
(Austin, Austin and surrounding areas)
💯Real Woman🍒💦Lets play Now😽🍫HornyNow💦Slim👙Thick Cutie W♨️Fat ASs 60$Specials So 🍭HornyBitch - 25
(Atx North, Ih35, Austin, North)
🔉Rear Parking Spc!! 👀BootY LoverS FavoritE👀 Adult Entertainment 👅 - 25
(Austin, North Austin (Capital plaza))
SASHA's BACK ۵ Satisfaction Gauranteed ۵ AVAILABLE 9pm-4am - 28
(Austin, Central Austin - OUTCALLS ONLY)
* ♛ * ★ S i m p ly ★ Sexy ★ * ♛ * 8o$$$ sPeCiAlSSS noww - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, off 190)
Sensual Satisfaction Special$! Established & Well Reviewed! ~Stellar TCB & DDD's! 512-662-7011 - 43
(north/mopac/metric/parmer area)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* GUARANTEED - - 29
(surrounding area)
red heads do it better!!Cindy is back!!! 60roses specials. Repatking available! - 27
(Austin, Round Rock)
Raven aka Miss Super Soaker 💦👄 80/Hh 160/hr Specials until 12:00! - 22
(Austin, Incall & Outcall North Austin, North)
Private Incall ***NO RISKY MOTELS*** $100 Hr * $80 Hhr. Let's get this weekend started right! - 30
(Austin, Downtown)
.*.*. ! .*. ! .*. .*. PRETTY GIRL .*. SENSUAL & ENJOYABLE .*. VERY SWEET .*. .*. ! .*. ! .*.*. - 23
New Location! SPECIAL EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE HOLIDAY! Exotic Jaylyn back in Atx !!! Limited Time ONLY!! - 26
(Austin, N Austin)
@@@NEW HERE@@@ Ready to Play 100 $pecial all night - 23
(Austin, Round rock Cedar Park,Austin out calls)
NEW!!!!! ☎ SHY 💋 $pcl$✨FUN PICS!!! FUN PICS and VIDEO!!!! Lets Have LOTS of FUN✨ $pcl$ ☎ME 💋 SHY - 25
New Location ( .Y. )Same sexy 🍒 little latina 💋 specials 💋 60/80/120$ habla - 30
(Austin, south austin 35 & oltorf)
New In Town✴°°·· 💋 Young Pretty Thick Latina 💋··°°✴ .. ✮ 80 Incall Special ✮ .. 🍭Come enjoy🍭 💋 - 21
NeW iN tOwN!!!!80 RoSe SpEcIaL!!! 100% NaTiVe AmErIcAn InDiAn EvErY MaNs DrEaM cOmE TrUe!!!! - 23
(35 north)
🌟New In Town 💯% REAL . The GirL you STAyEd Up looking 4! 💕 Waiting For You💋*Haley** - 19
(Austin, N.Austin 35/183)
NEW iN tOWN, ONLy here for a little while come and enjoy it while its here. - 20
*¨¨*-:¦: NEW Sexiest Blonde Beauty! 100% Real!! Fun And Sexy! :¦:-*¨¨* - 22
(Austin, Austin Downtown Incall & Outcall)
New Ebony love doll I💞2 k😘Ss 60 80 100💋💋💋C👅M Play cute Face Nice Body Available Now call me - 24
(183north 35 north /south out every where, Austin, South)
🌟№➊★New GIRL n TOWN 🌟1OO% Indy★💣 [ HIGHLY SkiLLED ]💦👅EXoTic ✔FUN✔ ➜ C.U.))M.S. Thurs!!!! - 23
(Austin, IN BEN white/riverside/OUT, South)
((New #))**$80 Special**KN✪CK✪uT💕 ⛅️GREAT💋SKILLS✴🇷εαℓ ßεαuty••💋UR #1🔝 Pick♥★NAUGHTY - 24
(Austin, Downtown, North lamar)
***NEW__ PICS***H O T *** S E X Y *** S E N S U A L *** M O D E L *** 34DD-24-34 - 26
(Arboretum & North Austin)
¥¥ New * in * Town ¥¥ ~^^~ 5 * SR¥¡C ~^^~ Th@t wi££ £@V you w¡th @ Smi£ ~ ;) - 36
(Austin, austin and surrounding areas)
New Ebony love doll I💞2 k😘Ss 60 80 100 200 C👅M Play cute Face Nice Body Available Now call me - 24
(183north 35 north /south out every where, Austin, South)
New in town! X Hawaiian Tropic Model. No games just great Service. Will Travel
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco)
((N E W)) F a T BoTtoM GIRLS U MaKe The Rockin World Go RoUnD!! ((N E W)) SPECIALS!! - 36
(N. Austin Incall off 183)
***morning time Special**** Young, Hot, College girl I do everything :) @@@@@@ - 27
(Austin, South, South Austin)