Tue 21 Jan
@@**@@ Play With My Chocolate Cherries @@**@@ ONE HR LE$$ THAN ONE HUN @@**@@ Special - 21
(N IH-35)
*¨¨* PL£AS£D *2* PL£AS£ U !*¨¨* ;¨**: {100 }:* ¨*:{ Full }:¨*: { HOURS} :*¨*:* - 21
(♥Call for Incall Location♥)
FEMALE PHOTOGRAPHER will make this Memorial Day Weekend one that you will remember forever!!! - 39
(NW Austin, Texas)
Once U See Me U will Have a Natural Boost In Libido - 23
(Austin, Austin & Surrounding Areas OUTCALLS)
P_E_R_F_E_C_T__ (( PETITE )) _ aMaZiNg CuRvEs_ (( CARAMEL DELIGHT )) _ P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E - 24
▐ 💜 ▃▃▃▃▃. (P_r_e_t_t_y ) •★• (S_W_E_E_T) •★• (L_i_t_t_l_e_) •★• (P_l_A_y_M_a_T_e) ✰ ▃▃▃▃▃ 💜▐ - 22
(Austin, Outcall available)
🙋🏼🙋🏼Outcalls all over!! Bubbly Blonde! 💁🏼💁🏼 Available now in the North Austin area 😍😍😍 - 26
(Austin, North, North Austin incall outcalls all over)
§pecial§ ^~¬ sexy ,petite ,brunette IN/OUT. ©.UM play with me ..ill be waiting.. §pecial§ - 25
(Austin, In/out)
::: NÂUGHT¥ N¥MPHÕ :ღ: CUM BNÐ M ÕVR BÂB¥ :ღ: BeNtLEy iS BaCk n ToWn - 21
(north austin/surrounding areas)
NEW TO AUSTIN ...One moment with me and you'll be 100% pleased... give me a call!! - 21
(South Austin)
LaST DaY *{* NeW *}* {{ SeXxXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l LAsT DAy *}*l - 21
(north austin(ARBORETUM) in)
*NEW TO TOWN*CREOLE surprise🎉 && 1⃣ of a kind . 🅰sk about my SPECIALS 😘 - 20
(Austin, N. Austin && 35)
New Private Incall Weekend hot Special. Come help me crisen my new place. - 32
(I-35/290/183 Private Incall)
*** New InTown ** T H I C K ** & S E X X XY ** LATINA (AVAILABLE NOW) NaUgHtY pLeAsUrE **((XxX)) - 21
(Central Austin/183 & 35N)
NEW PicS!!! Cum over and all over! Wet and Ready! 60 quick before 6pm today!!! - 26
(183 /35 central)
[★] N*A*K*E*D & N*A*U* gh *T*i*NESS = of fun... It's your night U decide [★] - 38
(I-35 & Woodward)
NeVeR a DuLL MoMenT WiTh ME!! $$ 120 $$ OUTCaLL SPECIAL!! LiMiTeD TiME OnLY!! - 23
(Austin, Austin and surrounding areas)
New ♥*°*· 3 HOT *°·. ~♥ ~ *° 3 SEXY *· ~ ♥~ 3 READY ♥ New 1 Nite Only - 25
(Austin, San marcos new braunfels)
☆ N_Â_U_G_H_T¥ *[]* § __X_¥ * & * RÂÐ TÕ _§ _Â _T _i _§ _F _¥ ÕU☆80 SPECIAL - 35
(Austin, SOUTH: Riverside and Crossing)
_» »★ »★ MIXED & HORN-Y =[G][F][E]= SCORE w/ME »★ ((($100 DELUXE G*F*E)))
(=Riverside Drive INCALL & HOTEL OUT)
MoRe *BaNG* FoR YoUr BuCk ___BuStY (*(*( 100% SaTiSfAcTiOn )*)*) ___*BlOnDe* - 21
💋║█║║█║║█║★MO$T DE$$IRED & SEN$UAL Hot Petite Latina💋💯% Real║█║║█║║█║ SE ABLA ESPAñOL - 23
(Austin, South Austin)
_________ MISS BARBIE _________ * Hot * Blonde * California Girl * Specials - 19
(Austin, AUSTIN - ARBORETUM UPSCALE-Domain ! 100)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Little 💋Miss 💋Bombshell 💋⭐️💋 Brunette Vanessa💋⭐️💋Waiting2Play ⭐️💋⭐️NEW ⭐️💋⭐️FUN 💋⭐️ - 23
(Austin, DoMaIn InCaLL 💫💫)
MAGiCaL .... LiPS, HiPS & FiNGERTiPS .... NEW HoTT BLOND3 .... !!! ViSiTiNg - 20
(♥Incall (or) Outcall♥)
Let Me be the BEST Part of YOUR Day and the Naughtiest Part of YOUR Night Amelia - 28
(Austin, All of Austin)
(( *KiLLeR BoDy!*! )) —(( *REAL PIC$* )) —(( *$AFE & DiSCREET*)) - 24
(Austin, ____________North Austin)
Introducing Austins New, Private Adult Party Hosts & Discreet, Intimate Play Pals in ur home! - 28
(Austin Incalls/outcalls (In/out))
JUST ARRIVED! Black/Asian Petite Barelly Legal Cutie "Blasian Nicole" 180/hrSPECIAL 512 6307551
💋💋 KENNEDY 💋80hhr 💋 🎰IT'$ Y0UR LUCKY DAY 🎰 💋💋KENNEDY💋80hhr 💋 JACKP0T - 20
(Austin, I35 & 290 North Austin, North)
💅🏼K.C. SMART💅🏼 All NeW Pics/Video 💅🏼I'm B@ck Guys🎊🎉 Get It While It's G00D!!! - 21
(Austin, Austin Incalls, North)
%%%%%%%%%%% INTERNATIONAL MIXED Island Beauty Ready 2 Play %%%%%% %%%%%% %%%%%%%% - 27
(S.incall & Outcalls)
JUDY (713)505-0294 ( $80 per hour INcall ) ESCORT !! MASSAGES !! & EXOTIC DANCER !! ! - 19
(St. Michaels : 7800 N. Ih 35 austin tx)
🎬💎🎬💯 Incall Specials 💎🎬💎✔ QV 60💐 🎬💎🎬✔ Hhr 80🌹 💎🎬💎🎬✔ 7138232953✔ 💎🎬💎🎬💎🎬💎🎬💎 - 26
(Austin, Downtown, I-35 & surrounding area's INCALLS I-35)
JUST ARRIVED!!! Up & Coming Adult Film Star Barelly Legal "Blasian Nicole" 180/hr SPECIALS!!! - 18
It's Monday and your Off Work so COME ENJOY SOME HEAVENLY RELAXATION!!! - 21
(Austin, South Austin And Surrounding areas)
~It's Friday Baby...You & I Deserve To Spoil Each Other. I am Available ALL For You~ - 30
(NW Austin)
Im all yours and its my pleasure!!! Pics are available upon request - 25
(austin/ lake way/westlake)
❦IM BACK☆ IN tOwN ✦Miss✦❦ _:¦:-✦DIAMOND✦✦ _AcCePtInG cReDiT CaRdS-:¦:- ✦2 GiRl SpEcIaLs✦REVIEWED✦ - 25
(Austin, N Mopac & Texas capital hwy, arboretum)
Beach Bunny Blonde. Taking calls now!! $ SMOK'IN HOT!Let's Play In Calls and Out Calls - 27
I [[ h O P e ]] Y o U r _ _ R e A d Y!!! BOOKING APPOINTMENTS __ 469* 323* 0754 - 21
(Near Downtown!! 225*303*5634)
Im a very special girl... The kind you dont take home to Mother... - 45
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Anderson ln /mopac)
▓ ▒ I WANT YOU █ ▓ ▒▓ ▒ TRY ME█ ▓ ▒▓ ▒TOUCH ME█ ▓ ▒▓ ▒FEEL ME█ ▓ ▒Stuning White - 20
(Austin, Austin, TX and surrounding areas)
I [[ h O P e ]] Y o U r _ _ R e A d Y!!! BOOKING APPOINTMENTS __ 469* 323* 0754 - 21
(Near Downtown!! 225*303*5634)
I'm back 🎀 SWEET🍭 Like CANDY💎🎀 Sexy 💎💞▬▬ 💎NEW💞αvαiℓabℓe💞 NOW💎 ▬▬💕💎 #1 Pℓαγmαte! - 24
(Austin, North central Incall & Outcalls)
{ I'M BaCk { * BLoNdE } * { HoTTie }*l{ *CuRvY* }l* PeRFecT N EVeRy WAy }} GiRL NeXT DooR }!! - 21
(Arboretum (nw austin) incalls only)
I'LL *#* T_A_K_E __o ♥o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o ♥o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o ♥o° _A_W_A_Y - - 19
(Austin, IN & OUTCALLS)
I dO eVeRythiNg yOur wIfE Or GiRlFriEnD dOeSnT dO!!!!! $1OO InCaLL SpeCiaL
(Highland Mall // 290 // INCALLS ONLY)
~How ~Many ~ Lick's ~ Does ~ It ~ Take ~ To ~ Get ~ To ~ The ~ Center ~ Of ~ Your ~ Lollipop??? ~ - 30
Honey Cocaine💓The Pleasure💖💕Princess💎 Softest Lips👄Perfect Hips🎀 60 Spcl💰 🌟 - 21
(Austin, Austin/45/69/Round rock/Capitol plaza)
Hi guys its me Lacy, im super new at this but im here ,so call me - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen)
✯₮ H E⭐ _✨🌙_ ✯ G i R L⭐ _✨🌙_ ✯ Θ F⭐ _✨🌙_ ✯ Y Θ U R⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐D R E Λ M δ⭐🌛 ﹏ - 19
(Austin, OutCall .. Party Girl Available Now)
Hello I'm Delta new to the Austin just relocated here for school! NEWST chocolate co-ed!!! - 23
Hi, Im DIANA.. & I SWALLOW BANANAS.. i swallow bananas... *WHOLE (proof video inside) - 21
(Wells Branch/Metric)