Mon 06 Jan
♥·.¸.·´¯* Seductive Sweets ·.¸.·´¯*♥ 2 Girl Show ♥·.¸.·´¯ * Sizzling Specials - 20
(Austin, North Austin/ Yours or Mine!!!)
*.* .*. *.* SANTA'S SEXIEST HELPERS .*. here to see if you've been nice! *.* .*. *.* - 23
(Austin, In/Out Calls)
♥S U P E R70 **♥** 70 S E X Y♥ - 70* - 19
(Austin/incalls only)
•.¸ ♥▆ █ ♡PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR! ♥█▒ ╠╣OT █ CHICK ▒ 100% █▒ █▒ sKiLLs!█ ▆—♥ ¸.•'´¯) Specials!!! - 24
(Austin, 9 o bucks!!)
PuRE SaTisFacTioN _ UnBeLieVeAbLe PLeaSuRE (1OO% REAL! FuN! & SeXy!) _ *Specials - 21
(Austin, i-35/Ben White)
Our Business is Your PLEASURE " NEW PLAYMATES !! 2 girl SPECIALS ! - 22
(Austin, Austin / Surrounding)
💄💢❤outcallSPECIAL(( SiMPlEY iRRESiStAblE ))💄💢❤💢 (( *KiLLeR BoDy* )) 💄💢❤💢 ((AMaZiNg SKiLLz)) - 19
♥o°* Feeling Extra N@ughty? Let Me Be Your N@sty Girl * Just Visiting ♥o°* - 29
(Austin, 35N & 183)
{New In Town }×°xSuPeR sWeEt °x° _SuPeR SeXy _°x° yOuNg PuErTo RiCaN_ pRiNcEsS ×° x { New In Town } - 21
😘😍💋❤Mrs. Ashley💦💋👅❤Perfect Body👍👌💯Pretty Face❤💋😘😍Amazing Skills👍Early Bird specials!!! - 23
(Austin, Austin North Central, North)
MZ ANGEL...... came play with me 50 this morning start your day right. 214-414-5446. - 25
(your place or mine)
Looking for passionate, genuine and the best mouth piece in town?STOp Here!!!Real Pics! Call or TXT - 33
(Austin, Parmer & Metric ~ (N. Austin) or to YOU!)
★ ·.¸.·´¯* Latina: I'm NaUgHtY ! ! ! CoMe N gEt It!!! ★ ·.¸.·´¯* - 22 - 22
Juicy and moist tight LATINA💦💦 34DD INCALLS 💦💦👅👅👅 I LOVE ALL MEN😘😊😋512) 6969780 - 22
(Austin, South)
ITS **THE BANANA GIRL** Where Did "IT" Go? All The Way Down Diana's throa... OH! (newpics/vid incl) - 21
(North Austin - Wells Branch)
Is it somehow you just dont want a younger gal? Would like someone your age? Here I am for you. - 55
(290 E. & 35 area)
Irresistible Sexy ASIAN.... Sit BaCk I LoVe to HeLp U RELAX UPSCALE GeNtLeMen 100% Real - 23
Incall Specials ALL MORNING _________ Call For Special Rates ________ Dont Miss Out - 23
(Austin, Northwest austin Near Lakeline Mall)
Killeen Only Im NOT In Austin🍫KandĪ 🍬Ǥrown Λnđ Mature 0nly👉Λvailable Now - 25
(Austin, Killeen/Harker Heights/Copperas Cove, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Round Rock)
J_U_I _C_Y__ B_O _D_Y__ L_U_C_ I_O_U_S__ L_I _P_S __ *N_E_W__ P_I_C_S* __ 1OO% UNRUSHED SESSIONS - 24
(south i35 min. from DOWN TOWN)
♥ I t _ ♥ _ Ɗ o s n 't _ ♥ _ g e t _ ♥ _ ᵾ n y _ ♥ _ ẞ e tt e r _ ♥ _ T h a n _ ♥ _ T h i s_ ♥_ - 24
(Austin, north I35)
☀ ☀ ☀ ☀I'm a SEXY RaRE Mix'd Chick well review'd and available NOW!!! - 22
(Austin 35 in / outcall specials)
__ I__M ___A ___ N__A__ T__U__R__A__L __ G__F__E ___ * ___O__N__E___ L __ O __W ___ R__A__T__E ___ - 25
(wellsBranch * 35)
___________ Hot * Blonde * Playmate * LIMITED time ONLY
(Austin, Arboretum ( incall ) Outcalls available)
💋💋Magic Mouth💋💋 💎Tight Grip💎just ur type 💙💙 💜❤YoUr NaUgHtY SeCrET💜❤Available Now - 24
(Austin, Austin area/ northside/ Mopac Expwy)
Mocha ***** Real True beauty***** New to Austin ****** Pics Specials while they last..... - 22
(Austin, austin/ in/ outcall north)
More then Enough!°•° 2 girl specials!!° {{Infinity}} let's get acquainted. Available 24/7 - 22
(Austin, North west austin. {In&out;})
Sweet n Sexy Crystal waitin to get Kinky n Naughty specials .. 24 / 7 .. 4177826 .. - 24
(183 35 north austin 290 51st)
*°* ☆ *°** TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE MAiN ATTRACTiON AmAZiNg Nawty Natalie *°* ☆ *°* - 21 - 21
SXSW¤ §pecial§¤ Im all alone and Im feeling so N@ught¥. ..BBW... IN/OUT...SXSW ..§pecial§ - 30
(Austin, In/out)
** T H I C K ** & S E X X XY ** LATINA (AVAILABLE NOW) NaUgHtY ((xXx)) pLeAsUrE **((XxX)) - 21
(Central Austin)
**SUPER SUNDAY $PECIAL$** with the New Girl in town.... - 24
(Austin, Leander/buda/roundrock/kyle/cedar park/)
SPUNKY Blonde FIRECRACKER ♢♡♢ Amazing Skills, Inviting Personality☆100% REAL PICS☆ 70 SPECIAL! - 22
(35 & Ben White-mind-numbing 70 SPECIAL!, Austin, Downtown)
Outcalls Thick❄️🐇Beautiful ebony bombshell let me bl💋w your mind - 19
(Austin, North, OutcAll specials)
*¨¨*:•. *PETiTE * .•*¨o¨*•. * ExOTiC bLoNdE bOMbShELL * .•*¨o¨*•. * - 22
(Austin, highland mall/capital plaza)
(((((N@@UGHTY GIRL ALERT))))) - SeXXieSt BRuNeTTe in Town- - @lways N@@uGhTy &SeXy; SPECiALS!! - 23
BEAUTIFUL & BUSTY! My place or yours! INCALL SPECIALS! Cum play with me! See ya soon! - 27
(North Austin)
•°o♥o°• Late Night Fun W/O The Bull Sh*t Available Now •°o♥o°• MissMolly •°o♥o°• - 43
(Austin, N.West Area... Specials 24/7)
🎀⭐💎 Let Me Make Your Fantasy Come True💎🎀⭐Alexis 💎Outcalls Only 🎀 2 Girl Specials💎 - 19
(Austin, Downtown, Downtown Austin, OUTCALL ONLY)
LA'STAR♥ ♥ UNFORGETTABLE♥♥♥ IN/OUT ♥♥♥ SPECIAL♥♥ 100% real pics ♥ ♥ $50,60,80,100$$ SPECIALS! - 22
(Austin, Austin North AND SUROUNDING)
(¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) LaSt DaY iN AuStiN! (¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) $40 Specials All DaY - 20
(Austin, Incall ONLY i35/183)
LA'STAR♥ ♥ ♥Weekend♥♥♥ OUTCALL ♥♥♥ SPECIAL♥♥ 100% real pics ♥ ♥ $50,60,80,100$$ SPECIALS! - 22
(Austin, Austin North AND SUROUNDING)
***JADA's*** PREBOOK 4 AUSTIN b there on 4/27/2011 $50 specials all day ALL RACES welcome - 33
(AUSTIN / IH-35)