Fri 03 Jan
-:¦:-TwO NaUgHtY SeXy SoRoRiTy GirLS!!! *ViSiTiNg Limited Time...24/7 while in town*-:¦:- - 23
(SPECIAL) IN town only for the WEEKEND- Better ENJOY me while u can-- Cum taste my sweetness --- - 19
!(¯`´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °* MIXED TR e a T» (¯`´¯) specials! - - 28
S U G A R B A B Y * * * C_H_A_S_S_i_T_Y * * * . . . F r e s h & S w e e t Srawberry Blonde... *XOXO* - 19
(Austin, * YOUR PLACE *)
/*/*/* $ $ $ New Sensation Satisfying All Temptations Highly Skilled & Reviewed Specials /*/*/* - 24
(Austin, Incall Only)
((( LOOK NO FURTHER ))) __________ SEEDY ___ DELIVERY______ HOUR ____ SPECIALS_ - 38
(Austin, central down town OUT + IN CALL ATE)
i'M Up niCe AnD EarLy jUsT FoR yOu PaPi !! CoMe aNd See mE __ 210-310-8711 __ in/outcaLL - 23
(183 & 35N)
Hot white girl in a SAFE and CLEAN Atmosphere - top or bottom - Bulls are welcomed - 23
(Austin, south austin)
Thu 02 Jan
**-_-_-** Th!cK **-_-_-** Super Sexy **-_-_-** Canadian Mistress **-_-_-** ReAdY* - 25
(Austin, Downtown, In N Out, North)
*❤* ••••►★.•*¨¨*• : ☆:-•* SEXXY •-:☆: -•*¨ SWEET¨*• •-:☆: -•*¨*•HOTTIE•- - 18
(Austin, Downtown, South Austin)
Satisfying and Unrushed Time With a Sexy Woman
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, hotel room)
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥ - 18
(Austin, 35 & E.Riverside)
Petite SPINNER -- For Your Pleasure {{- GFE-}} !!!! Early Bird 25% Discount !!!!! - 23
(Austin (In/Out Call))
new pics & reviews. GFE + Body Shampoo. Skilled in the Art of Erotic stimulation. - 33
(I-35 between 290/183)
New girl💑💙💑💙💑Outcalls Only 💙💑💙💑💙💑Sexy Mixed Busty Beauty 💑💙💑💙💑💙💑100% real pics - 25
(Austin, Downtown, Your place)
»-★-» ♛ »-★-»LiFe - SiZe -BaRbiE »-★-» ♛ HOLiDAY InCall SpeCiaLs!!! - 22
(Parmer & I-35/Private Incall)