Thu 06 Mar
Sat 22 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
---wednesday---- ((Busty Blonde thick babe)) *great Specials* 60&80 - 25
(Austin, central *private home IN&Out;)
!!♥ WiLd & FReaKy LaTiNa BabYDoLL ToTaLLy WiLLiNg & REady 2 SaTiSfy YOuR EVEry DeSiRe:)!! - 23
---------» DIANA wants to make your BIG ol' (B A N A N A) disapppear. (videol) - 21
(North Austin - Wells Branch)
Stayshaatx still craving and begging to taste you!Call or Text for Specials!!! - 35
(Austin, Central...In/Out Call Available)
Stress Relief this Monday afternoon? YES, me too* *Blonde Babe* - 24
(Austin, central off hw35*home (in&Out;))
SPECIALS ☁🌞 🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅🌞 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅🌞 Upscαℓε Company💦💦••☁ 💛UR #1🔝 Pick ☁☆💛aVAiℓaBℓε NoW - 22
(Austin, Austin (i35) In Central (Out))
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for - 24
(Austin baby!)
**!!!!! SiNsUaL SeCrETs~ Ca$eY 512)287)9859) PeTaL SoFt !!! StRaWbErRy SwEeT..*** - 31
(Austin, NORTH Central / PrivaTe in / Out Austin)
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for.. - 25
(austin / central incall)
💋💎✨❤Review Me Please❤✨💎💋 🔥💨737💨 🔥💨708💨🔥 💨3419🔥💨 Help Me Help You Help Me! - 20
(Arboretum, Austin, North central ; 183&35; In&Out;)
:*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ new PICS AMAZiNG BRUNeTTe •:*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* SPeciALS 100% ReAL •:*¨¨* - 21
(Austin, North Central Austin 35 In/Out)
Monday *holiday (thick Busty Blonde babe) ^60/^80 specials - 26
(Austin, central Private *home (in&Out;))
Tue 21 Jan
thick BLONDE Italian MIX (great Specials) *all day #ready - 25
(Austin, central *private home -In-Out-)
#Thursday Delight# → Pretty Face & a Thick Waist# Specials before noon → - 24
(Austin, central off hw35*home (in&Out;))
Thick Blonde & Busty. Natural parts. **FRIDAY Special treat 60/80@ - 26
(Austin, central/north of campus*home (in&Out;))
THICK & CARAMEL Cutie With A Lot Of *****NEW BOOTY ***** 512- 297- 8056 For Your Nawty Fantasy!!
(austin / central incall)
:*¨¨*::*:the rain gettin you down? LET ME lighten your spirits.. 50$$PECiAL. $PECiALS!! - 20
(north 35 &surrounding; areas)
thick____ BBW_____ blonde BABE______ (Y*UM) *(Y*uM) _______ - 24
(Austin, Central Austin area* IN & OUT)
*Thick BLONDE mixxed Italiana & white Specials *60*&*80) playfull fun - 26
(Austin, central home/north of campus IN&Out;)
tgif (thick blonde *ready *willing) Specials during lunch* ♥ - 25
(Austin, central off hw35*home (in&Out;))
~~Sizziling Saturday Special~~ DONT MISS OUT Head Dr. In Charge - 24
(290,incall/outcall all surroundin area's)
super sized BLONDE BABE---------> 60/#8Ospecials *Sunday - 25
(Austin, central off hw35*home (in&Out;))
super sized BLONDE BABE---------> Sunday Specials** → %6O/8O - 25
(Austin, central off hw35*home (in&Out;))
Stayshaatx wants and needs to taste a real man like yourself! Your wish is my command!! Specials!!!' - 35
(Austin, Central...In/Out Call Available)
SinFully Sweet(( Southern ))*FiReCrAcKeR* Tall,Blond and Just What you've been searching for - 24
(austin / central incall)
~~Valentines Day Vixen~~ Hot Sultry Seductress~~ Available 24/7 - 24
(290,incall/outcall all surroundin area's)
Sexy Brunette Vixen Rides Confidently High in the Saddle! In Austin For the first Time! - 29
(North Central Austin)
🎉🎊Saturday night Happy Hour🎉🎊 w/ a Total Spinner! 💞 (HW 183 & i-35 In/Out to certain hotels) - 30
(Austin, HW 183 & I-35, IN/OUT, Central, North)
!!!!**Ready ~NEWLocal Exotic SeXXy !FaNtAsY GirlS ~~ 2BreathTaking Hotties ~~$ naughty naughty ~!!!* - 21
(Austin, Austin/ IN/OUT/ downtown.north central)
🍍♛ [[ PERFECT 🔟 ]] • [[ iM SoOo SExY WiTH A FLaWLeSs BOdY ]] 🍍♛ - 20
PREMIERING LIMITED TIME OFFER {Spicey Upscale Hottie} P!nkPerk!es &B;!gB00ty $W33T $UNDA3 $PCL$ - 22
(Austin, Central Austin In&Out;)
Playfully Sensual Ebony GODDESS..All Natural DDD's that will drive you *WILD*.... Available 24/7 - 21
NeW2ToWN!! ** EXoTiC LaTiNa DELiGHT PeTiTe N' ToNed REady 2 PLeaSe:) **ITs Me Or ITs FREE** - 23
-:¦:- xXx -:¦:- SeXy EbOnY SpiNNeR ... WiTh A PoRn sTaR TwiSt -:¦:-xXx -:¦:- ViSiTiNG NoW! - 24
(Central Austin (In's & Out's)
☆NEW😻busty blond Active & Attractive Sweet petite Miss Riley 😽🙉🙊 - 21
(Austin, north Central west round Rock in out any)
☆ New To Town Sweet Beautiful SKiLLD Ebony Queen - 19
(Austin, Central Austin, 35 & Rundberg In & Out)
NeW PiCS !!! Incredibly BUSTY Hot GIRL...21 yrs Old/////Brand NEW ***(REASONABLE RATES) 38DDD BUSTY
(NeW PiCS !!! 290/35)
NEW 🏆Trophy Type🏆⭐Five Star Blonde⭐ 👱In/Out👱 346321O238 - 21
(Austin, IN/OUT CENTRAL ATX 24/7, North)
NEW IN TOWN ~~~ Tasty ~~~ Fun ~~~ Addicting ARRIVES MAY 2 - 21
💎New Sex¥ viXeN💎LoNg SiLky BloNd Hair💎In/0uT CaLL💎BubbLy&OutGoing; - 25
(Austin, in/out (north central ATx) 35N)
-:¦:-• NEW. ___. Blonde. ___. Christian __Bombshell FUN +*+*** NEW in Town** - 21
(Austin, North central Austin Tx 35 in/out)
~ NawtyNatalie .... you can get Nawty Everyday! HUGE (( smile )) DDD's ....with Legs for days - 22
(Austin incall/ out call Private dances)
~ NawtyNatalie .... you can get Nawty Everyday! HUGE (( smile )) DDD's ....with Legs for days - 21
(Austin incall/ out call Private dances)
❤❤💄M$.Becky 👠 Yoko 💄❤💋 Thε 🏆GΓεαT 🏆❤Try My δκιllδ 💦 GυαΓαητεεd το dΓiVε γθύ cΓαζγ!!! - - 22 - 22
(Austin, Central Austin In&Out;)
❤❤💄M$.Becky 👠 Yoko 💄❤💋 Thε 🏆GΓεαT 🏆❤Try My δκιllδ 💦 GυαΓαητεεd το dΓiVε γθύ cΓαζγ!!! - - 22
(Austin, Austin..In & Out Central Location)
{{LOOK}} New Pics! Angelic Beauty w/Curves Amazing Skills green eyed Country Girl w/Cherrys on Top! - 22
(Central Austin Pravite InCall)
M M.?❌❌❌≫─The ─ Good─is─Never─ Cheap ─& ─The ─Cheap ─Is─Never─Good ───❥❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ ❌❌❌ - 38
(Austin, IN OUT CALLS* + central Downtown/all ATX, South)
Let me help you relax... 512-909-7594 Incall $100 GFE SPINNER - 24
(Central Austin IN and OUT calls)
** DIANA ** / Blk&PuertoRican; 5'4" -145lbs Athletic & Curvy Newbie Friendly - 21
(Wells Branch/Metric)
DIANA THROATS °★° °★° Offer An Inch - She'll Take A Foot. NewbsWelcome. - 21
(Wells Branch/Metric)
---------» DIANA ITS the B A N A N A G I R L (vid incl) - 21
(North Austin - Wells Branch)
Beach Bunny Blonde. Taking calls now!! $ SMOK'IN HOT!Let's Play In Calls and Out Calls - 27
If you let me, You wont regret me→ Sunday-Funday with a Blonde beauty - 24
(Austin, central off hw35*home (in&Out;))
GREAT REVIEWS..Sexi Angel Wants To Show You All Her Crazie FETISHS... - 24
'GREAT REVIEW'S~Sexii ANGEL Is Your Ultimate FETISH Provider~Big Booty Busty DD's Platinum Blonde - 25
☀ BReakFaSt IN beD ☀ cHoCoLaTe GiRLs GeT WeTTeR ☀ gFe EbONY sPiNNeR ☀ - 24
(Central Austin (In's & Out's)
!!♥ WoW! BRuNeTTe BaRBiE PLaYMaTe ToTaLLy WiLLiNg & REady 2 SaTiSfy YOuR EVEry DeSiRe:)!! - 23
Wednesday# special* Busty Blonde BABE. wild-sexy-ready 6O/8O# - 26
(Austin, central Austin, North of campus In/out)
Wednesday Specials == Cute Curvy Blonde == In/Out == 8O* - 24
(Austin, central off hw35*home (in&Out;)c)
~~Valentines Day Vixen~~ Hot Sultry Seductress~~ Available 24/7 - 24
(290,incall/outcall all surroundin area's)
Welcome To My House Of Erotic Sensations! Huge Booty Busty DD's Sexii ITALIAN Blonde PHILLY CHICK - 24
**!!~~ TX GiRL$ Do It BeTTeR !!! LoCaL HoTTie- All NaTuRaL Strawberry Blonde ~ Ca$eY 512)287)9859) - 31
(Austin, N. Central / PrivaTe in / Out Austin)