Mon 27 Jan
████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▬▬▬▬▬New Arrival ❤ E X O T I C ❤ B R U N E T T E ❤️ PRINCESS▬▬▬▬▬ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ - 23
(Austin, Ur place)
My place is warm dry and safe..! I am naked and need drying off..Got a towel for me..? - 33
(Austin, arboretum)
Sun 26 Jan
Tue 21 Jan
💋💕💋 That Big Juicy Bubble 💖💙 💘 Outcalls Only! 💘💙💖 Sorry No Newbies! 💋💕💋 - 46
(Austin, Cedar Park/Leander Area)
STEP 1: Call and make appointment STEP 2 : Show up Step 3: leave the rest too me...! - 33
(Austin, arboretum)
SexY♥ 420 Friendly "Girl next Door" avail NOW -♥ - 28
(Austin, Incall 183 & 35--Outcall 2 ur Place!!)
Sexy Blonde Playmate -Taking Appointments Now! In/Out - 28
(Austin, incall S.Oltorf-Outcalls to ur place)
PeRFeCT -♥-> FoR YoU INCALLS I-35 n OUTCaLLs 2 U!! - 31
(Arboretum, Austin, Incalls i-35 N **OUT calls 2 ur Location)
(*PeRfEcT ChOiCe)(¯`´¯) »•*°— S W EE T—— •*° ——E X o T i C ——°*•——TR e a T——» (¯`´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw! - 19
(Austin, Ur place)
_ oOo!!!!!oOo __ BEAUTIFUL (BLONDE) GIRL !!! . . ☆° 5 STAR COMPANION ☆° __Oo_O0_oOo __ - 28
(Austin, INcall South Oltorf ♥OC 2 ur place)
*•°o♥•° H—O—T —T •°o♥•°• SEXY •°o♥•° B—L—O—N—D--E ~~~ NEW ~~~ Up All Night - 19
(Austin, ur place or mine :))
My place is warm dry and safe..! I am and need drying off..Got a towel for me..? - 33
(Austin, arboretum)
Lookin 4 a New Fuc♥Bunny? Incalls south or Outcalls 2 u - 31
(Austin, Downtown, South brodie w.cannon in or outcalls 2 u)
!!!!! Im UR De$TINY..... U KnOw U WaNT IT......... CaLL Me!!!!!!!! - 20
I live in san Antonio catch soon~ LoaDs of FuNn!! 65 InCaLL- outcalls availabl - 25
(Austin, ur place or my place)
Hey Fellas-->FuN CoLLeGe CutiE with a xtra nice BooTy Up LATE - 20
(Austin, Incall 183 & 35-Outcalls 2 ur place)
_W_A_N_N_A__ *H_A_V_E* -S_O_M_E *R_E_A_L_* F_U_N? - 22
(Ur PlAcE ~~~ $80 special)
Why not have 2girls this FRIDAY!! Free b.b*b'j w/ hr!!! we r up late! WKND Specials - 23
(Austin, S)
UP L;ATE ♥*"* EVeRYTHING *"* U♥NeeD *"* IN 1 PaCKaGE *"*:♥ - 28
(Austin, INcall South Oltorf ♥OC 2 ur place)
Ur Day Dream CUM TrUe!!???! MZ ANGEL 50.. come be treated like a king . 214-414-5446 - 25
(your place or mine)
Ultra Naughty Beautiful ~BLONDE~ Erotic Playmate UP ALL NITE***actual photos! - 23
(ur place or mine...)
____[[ * UNRUSHED * ]] ______ ______ =*= [[ * UPSCALE * ]] =*= ______ _______ [[ SESSION !! ]] - 19
(Austin, Ur Place)
» ╚» ❤» ╚» ❤» ╚» ❤❤❤❤ THe SeXxiEsT ❤(( M E X I C A N ! ))❤ F R E A K ❤❤❤❤ » - 21
(Austin, Ur place!! 😘)
Fri 10 Jan
***** SEXY ***** PETITE ***** YOUNG **** AND ALL URS ****** - 20
(north austin and surrounding areas)
Thu 09 Jan
Sexy Dark chocolate that melts N ur mouth ( . Y . ) available tonight only . outcalls only.. - 25
(Austin, South, Ur place)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
ok So SHes HOT...What I WAnna Know is Can she-----.and does She Like it - 28
(Austin, Incall 183 & 35--Outcall 2 ur Place!!)
!!S**e*x*x** C-r-a-z-e-d**!! Curvvy Kitten for You to Enjoy Yourself Completely!! AVAIL RIGHT NOW! - 25
(Austin (ur place or mine))
Mon 06 Jan
MZ ANGEL...... came play with me 50 this morning start your day right. 214-414-5446. - 25
(your place or mine)
Ok she looks good.. CAN SHE...??...DOES SHE LIKE IT..?.IS SHE ANY GOOD AT IT? - 28
(Austin, In->183 & 35N-> out 2 ur place or)
Sun 05 Jan
IF *****U ****WANT ***** THE****** BEST ******THEN**** CALL ME !!!!! DESTINY***** - 20
(north austin and surrounding areas)
***This EarlyBird Wants Ur Worm!!!*** NRTH I/C ***(737)802-0184*** - 32
(Austin, Outcall Or my place near 183/35, South)
Sat 04 Jan
Sexy Petite Latina/White Jessica (small bbw) 2 Satisfy All ur DEEPEST Desire & Urges!! - 26
(South Austin (Incalls/Outcalls))
STEP 1: Call and make appointment STEP 2 : Show up Step 3: Monday Special 150$ us - 33
(Austin, arboretum)
Fri 03 Jan
.*¨¨*-:¦:-* A UnFaMiLiAr FaCe In A UnfaMiLiAr PlAcE .*¨¨*-:¦:-* - 24
(❤North Austin/Ur place❤)
IF *****U ****WANT ***** THE****** BEST ******THEN**** CALL ME !!!!!!!! DESTINY***** - 20
(north austin and surrounding areas)
((GORGEOUS )) *°♥•° 1 __ iN __ A__ M_i_LL_i_O_N • °♥•* (( BLONDE)) - 22
(Austin, Austin In and Out @ ur place ;))
Thu 02 Jan