Mon 27 Jan
W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G!!! ::AyLiSsA Is EXTREMELY : A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E - 30
While it rains Come to my place and Play...! Todays Special $ 150 - 33
(Austin, 183n @ between duval & braker)
WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuIReS ° I'Ll DEliVeR a yOUr DeSIrEs☆ Austin Ebony Escort Incall & Outcall - 21
(downtown north SOUTH I-35 pflgv I-183)
WEEKDAY MADNESS $80 QK $120 HH 160H The real deal ! What you SEE is what you GET ! w/Megan - 25
(Austin, domain, Downtown)
✘✘✘ WARN!NG ✘✘✘ : ✰ EXTREMELY FUN ✰ : ( (=BoOTY FUL=) ) BLONDE vixXeN iN AvAiLabLe NOW!!! - 24
(Austin, Domain)
♥ WhY NoT HaVe AmAziNg AmBeR fOr LuNcH??? ♥ 100 % Me GuaRenTeeD ♥ - 21
(183 & Mcneil (outcalls too))
White & fillipino bunny👯 100🌹 special LEAVING SOON ! 100% real pics - 20
(Austin, North austin incall only)
Vivacious Mixed Sweetie...C0m3 H@v3 A T@$t3 of M3...... [You'll Be Back For Seconds] ;) *34D-24-34* - 23
(Austin, Near Central Austin 35)183)290)
¸.´¸.*¨) ;➷ ;♥ ;¸.´ ♥ ;¸.´VOLUPTUOUS me ¸.´¸.*¨) ¸♥.*¨) (¸.´¸♥ - 30
(Austin, With Me or With U ° BBW LOVERS LOOK!!!)
Visiting San Antonio or Austin? It's already getting HOT here...
(San Antonio & Austin & surrounding areas)
- * - - * - - * - - * - - * - - * - VISITING TODAY & TOMORROW - * - - * - - * - - * - - * - - * - - 25
(Austin, A R B O R E T U M)
$ WILLING 2 TRAVEL 250 fee massage hr 2109964580 atx to sa - 25
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, sa atx n outside between, San Marcos, Waco)
あ --------- [[ VETERAN'S ]] ----- [[ DAY ]] ----- [[ AFFAIR ]] --------- あ - 35
(Austin, Private Incall/Arboretum/Outcalls)
Why Settle For Less When You Can Splish and Splash With These 2 Young ebony Treats Both !8 Must See - 18
👀 What's on the menu 👄Exotic tight pretty _ _ $$_ Exotic Belizean Love 2 kiss - 26
(Austin, In/183 35 north / out every where, South)
SuPeR FrEaK SPCL~44DDD-BuSty KiNkY & N@StY*OpEn-MinDeD PoRnSt@r-AuStiN IN-OuTs- SLIpPErY TiGhT FuN - 25
(Austin, AustIN AreA 35 NortH-IN-OUTS-290-7th st)
Specials💗Tell Me What You Like💋I Am Here To Please Not Tease💋💗Satisfaction Is My Specialty💕REAL PICS - 18
(Austin, Everywhere, North)
Stop! Click! Read! Call! Meet! Play! Pop! Play! Pop! Smile! Little rules or limits! - 25
(central austin incall/ outcall avail)
{ STOP} New2You :: ( ♥King♥ ) :: ( ♥Treatment♥ ) :: ( ♥With Beauty♥ ):: ( ♥Im ready) $80 - 21
(Austin, All Austin)
Stunning Red head with a great mouthpiece...natural breasts big too😘..mmmm - 34
(Austin, south austin)
🙌 🚨🔥🔥🚨 🙌 STOP ! #1 CHOICE !! 🙌 🚨🔥🔥🚨🙌 ALWAYS FRESH 🙌 🚨🔥🔥🚨🙌 ASIAN FANTASY🙌 🚨🔥🔥🙌 - 25
(Austin, Downtown, I-35 & N Rundberg)
SreXy GiRL NeXt DooR !.! Avail 4 appts! 420 Friendly - 30
(Arboretum, Austin, Downtown, incalls n,centraloutcalls 2 ur Location.)
°★° Stunning, Sophisticated, Sexy and Super Na*ghTy ! °★° - 30
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood,)
Special I am Ready & Waiting...SEXI LEXI....Let me make your dreams a reality. Special - 44
STUNNING *-:¦:-* *¨¨** PLEASURE ______ 100% REAL ______ PLAYMATE *-:¦:-* *¨¨** - 23
(Austin, AUSTIN HWY 35)
**Specials **New pics💋🌙🅑🅛🅞🅝🅓🅔 💋 TiGHT🙉👌SHAVED😽🍬UPSCALE 🔥SM💨O💨K💨iNG💨 HöT🔥 HändS✋👇DöwN➜☝№➊ - 20
(Austin, Central 183 35 Arboretum Mopac CedarP, North)
So ADoRABLE -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- $99 INcall SPECIAL ! I LOVE IT WILD ! - 19
(LAKELINE mall area)
👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙 soft body! Bubbly blonde! Here for YOU👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙 - 26
(Arboretum, Austin, Incalls arboretum outs all over Austin)
(Austin, North Austin; One Exit North IH35+183)
SEXIEST Hour Glass shaped body!! Gorgeous 34DDDs with a BIG ROUND BOOTY and beautiful face! - 21
SEXXXXXy StRaWbErRy B L O N D E*******I AM Soooo GOOD, You are gonna 2 love ME, Guaranteed!
*** ___ SaFe ___ DiScReEt ___ aNd ___ pErFeCtLy ___ sWeEt ___ (( New pics)) ____ *** - 23
(Austin, south austin)
**SeXXXy BrUnnEttE ViXXXen ** WiTh AmaZInG bOdY ** BeAuTiFuL FacE ** ReaL PiCs ** aVAiLBLE NOW** - 21
(RouND RoCK)
♥·.¸.·´¯* Seductive Sweets ·.¸.·´¯*♥ New To City ♥·.¸.·´¯ * $100 Special - 20
(Austin, North Austin/ Yours or Mine!!!)
Seductress Caters to your TRUE Desires~Visiting Try something New~38DD Leaving Soon Leaving Soon~ - 30
•*¨¨*• SATISFACTION •*¨¨*•IS•*¨¨*• MY •*¨¨*• BEST •*¨¨*• QUALITY! •*¨¨*• GUARANTEED - 26
(Austin, North austin and south outcall only)
Reviewed & Verified -★- ★Adult Model Elizabeth Wren -★- ★ 18 yr petite dirty blonde, Outcall Only - 18
(Austin, Outcall Only 11-2pm today)
____ [[ S h e ' s ]] ____ [[ G o t ]] _____ [[ S K I L L S ]] ______ [ RAINY _$99 _ SPECIALS ] - 19
(iN or Out Calls)
Sensual Satisfaction Special$! Established & Well Reviewed! ~Stellar TCB & DDD's! 512-662-7011 - 43
(north/mopac/metric/parmer area)
NEW Mz HoNey Danielz 💞Melt in your mouth 👅 Big Bouncy Booty⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 Star Chick - 27
(Austin, AUSTIN 35 N/290 In calls available)
~!~__!!NEW* VISITING!! J U I C Y ~!~ MIX ~!~ A S S ~!~ M O D E L ~!~ F A C E ~!~ 1 0 0 % M E!! - 21
(incalls/outcalls 24hrs)
NEW GIRL 💁💁🙍🙍👡👠🎀 ❤💋💋 BLONDE Upscale im good at What i do🍒🍒🍒 I love Gr🔆eek 💕💕💖👣 - 22
(Austin, North incall outcall)
[ NEW ]—♥—[[ GORGEOUS ]] —— ♥ —— [[ One-Of-A-Kind ]] —— ♥ —— [[ UPSCALE ]] —— ♥ —— [[ PLAYMATE]] - 21
(Austin, Downtown Austin Incalls)
NeW In TowN ! NAY- NAY (512)919-2512 = NO DRAMA, NO BAIT & SWITCH + 100% real pics ! - 22
(Near LAKELINE Mall area)
New In Town 💗DσNт Mιδδ Oυт 🍓F l a w l e s s💕👑🐝💯%R⃣E⃣A⃣L⃣★😈👅💦 ⓟⓔⓣⓘⓣⓔ & ⓚⓘⓝⓚⓨ★🍭🙈 - 21
(Arboretum, Austin, Austin, Austin, North, Domain, Austin, N)
* NEW DELICIOUS* Sexy_SKINNY _Blonde ♥ Model Type ♥ AVAILABLE NOW ! ! 210!403!2808 - 22
(Austin, Outcalls Austin)
(Austin, South Austin Private Incall)
** NEW FaCE ** **('( MoRE PLEaSURE THaN YoU CaN MEaSURE )')** ** NEW FaCE ** - 21
(Austin, YOUR PLACE OR MINE ...)
~ New Arrival ~ In Town One Night ~ Mixed NewYork / Philly ~ Cutie W/ All The Beauty ~ Hablo Espanol - 25
(Austin, 71 & Ben wht incall /all of Austin 4 out)